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Stephenson Clan

Stephenson Clan

Team info
Description This is the team I created for all the BOINCers in my family. So far, I'm it.
Created 11 Nov 2019
Total credit 206,188.00551667
Recent average credit 0.09329900
iThena CNode credit 45,404.00547667 total, 109.91062746 average (15845 tasks)
iThena PERF credit 143,220.00004000 total, 69.24821702 average (71629 tasks)
iThena OONI Probe credit 17,570.00000000 total, 21.76952182 average (746 tasks)
Cross-project stats
Country United States
Type Other
Founder WyerByter
New members in last day 0
Total members 2 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 1 (view)

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