Computer information | |
Owner | Egon Olsen |
Created | 9 Nov 2020, 13:24:16 UTC |
Total credit | 844.00000000 |
Average credit | 0.09636700 |
Cross project credit | |
CPU type | AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor [Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0] |
Number of processors | 32 |
Coprocessors | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (4095MB) driver: 460.39 OpenCL: 1.2 |
Virtualization | None |
Operating System | Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.10 [5.8.0-44-generic|libc 2.32 (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.32-0ubuntu3.1)] |
BOINC version | 7.16.16 |
Memory | 62.8 GB |
Cache | 512 KB |
Measured floating point speed | 6.44 billion ops/sec |
Measured integer speed | 110.38 billion ops/sec |
Average upload rate | 132.24 KB/sec |
Average download rate | 3392.78 KB/sec |
Average turnaround time | 0.31 days |
Application details | Show |
Tasks | 0 |
Number of times client has contacted server | 432 |
Last contact | 7 Mar 2021 |
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