Message board moderation
Our message boards are moderated. Posts are subject to the following rules:
- Posts must be 'kid friendly': they may not contain content that is obscene, hate-related, sexually explicit or suggestive.
- No commercial advertisements.
- No links to web sites involving sexual content, gambling, or intolerance of others.
- No messages intended to annoy or antagonize other people, or to hijack a thread.
- No messages that are deliberately hostile, threatening, or insulting.
- No abusive messages involving race, religion, nationality, gender, class or sexuality.
- Posts that violate these rules may be deleted.
- The posting privileges of violators may be suspended or revoked.
- If your account is suspended, don't create a new one.
If you think a post violates any of the rules, you can notify moderators by clicking the red X below the post and filling out the form.
This moderation policy is set by the iThena.Measurements project. If you have comments about the policy or its enforcement, email
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