Computer breakdown by BOINC version

View breakdown by operating system

BOINC version# of active computers% of recent credit
7.20.5 600 65.1685 %
7.16.6 127 7.2685 %
7.18.1 131 6.0430 %
8.0.2 522 3.3859 %
7.24.1 613 2.5488 %
8.0.4 507 2.2922 %
7.16.16 29 1.7278 %
7.20.2 541 1.2285 %
7.9.3 17 0.8006 %
7.14.2 48 0.6685 %
7.22.2 11 0.3979 %
7.22.1 4 0.3758 %
7.17.0 3 0.3549 %
7.16.11 43 0.2550 %
7.20.4 4 0.2527 %
7.4.25 1 0.1242 %
7.6.31 1 0.1126 %
7.2.42 2 0.0961 %
7.16.17 3 0.0883 %
7.12.1 525 0.0668 %
7.16.5 13 0.0618 %
7.19.0 1 0.0577 %
8.1.0 3 0.0540 %
7.20.0 1 0.0529 %
7.16.20 25 0.0097 %
7.6.22 6 0.0027 %
7.24.3 1 0.0020 %
7.16.7 3 0.0010 %
7.6.33 1 0.0004 %
7.10.2 1 0.0002 %

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