Posts by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge not showing (Message 1426)
Posted 13 Feb 2022 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005

I wonder if it is normal that I only have the old beta badge and none of others :

iThena CNode credit 63,626.05188667 total, 180.83837732 average (40655 tasks)
iThena PERF credit 10,200.00000000 total, 11.78882538 average (5100 tasks)
iThena OONI Probe credit 4,676.00000000 total, 28.74625907 average (298 tasks)

If my reading is correct I should have a CNode gold badge ?

iThena CNode Badge:
Badge TotalC 2Power
Bronze 8192 13
Silver 16384 14
Gold 32768 15
Amethyst 65536 16

I think I don't qualify for Perf

iThena PERF Badge:
Badge TotalC 2Power
Bronze 32768 15

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 630)
Posted 28 Jun 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
I've been using my iMac from 2010 to 2020. This is one of the reason I bought one : I knew it would last, unlike any PC. And it did.

So saying "stop everything Apple is changing to their own SoC" is quite... ridiculous. I'll take 2 years (they say) so the current product offer is "all converted to the new SoC", and many (many) years before Intel based Mac have disappeared from the surface of the earth.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 563)
Posted 22 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
I really don't know, I didn't do anything special, in the project preference there is no application choice, they just started to arrive.

I have 2 debian 10 and one debian 9 hosts and they all get 2 tasks (one of each application) running at the same time.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 554)
Posted 17 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
I now get PERF tasks on my linux hosts and they are rewarded a glorious 2 credits per task ! I now have a 18 RAC and 70 total credit ! Alleluia !! \o/
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 512)
Posted 10 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Windows + hundreds (thousands) of clients = most likely?

Real clients ? or "simulated" / VM clients ?

I'm sure it won't be long before your shining example project starts overreacting like it did with GoofyxGrid....

Sorry I'm not sure to understand what you are referring to ? can you please develop ?
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 508)
Posted 9 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Oh and by the way, how can it be that there are some users on this project having several hundred thousands credits already ???

Do they have millions of machines ? :)
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 485)
Posted 3 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Credits are the *only* reward that a boinc project is giving to the participants for the money they are giving to this project (= machine cost + electricity, or VPS rent) to help it (and the people who run it) gather calculation results. Whatever the project and the research field may be.

This only helps the participants to show the rest of the world that they are helping this project. This is why there are many boinc statistical websites.

On a nci project, normally behaved users only expect a small amount of credit to show this, small.

On regular projects, credits might be excessive or insufficient, this is a never ending discussion in the boinc community and it will last forever :)

But here it is not the case, because here if you have helped the project since the very beginning so the developer / admin / scientist (even if the whole project is supported by a single person) can debug a stabilize his application, you get 0 credit. ZERO.

So basically the project is telling you something like "you are helping me and I don't give a f**k about it, go to hell" just because he cannot grant even 5 credits per tasks, so the user can simply show he is helping that project. EVEN if the project guy does not really want to say this and is a nice person, this is what the user feels like.

So maybe it is a hard task to maintain alone a boinc project, maybe it is difficult to find time and money to run it on one's spare time (after the family, the work, etc). Maybe it is impossible : in that case don't build a boinc project to pretend doing any scientific or technological research / investigation, don't ask volunteers to come to your project and give you their money.

And don't be surprise if some of these users overreact.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 478)
Posted 2 May 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
What's the point in asking for credit to be displayed in statistical websites... ??

I have 2 linux hosts running ithena for months now (almost 5000 hours of running, WUProp project is giving a very accurate statistic about it) and I still don't even have 1 f*****g credit, this is ridiculous.

WUProp is a good example of nci projet giving a small yet reasonable amount of credit : I get average 150 credits per day with 3 hosts.

It seems that users having windows host and your windows app do receive such a small (yet reasonable) credit, but not the linux users... and linux was your first app and all of us early helpers have 0 as a reward.

9) Message boards : News : New application, new possibilities, new problems ;) (Message 289)
Posted 20 Feb 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
So I do not understand when you write "iThena NRT will be available as a virtualised environment (VBox/Vmware). You will be able to start a virtual system. Of course it will also be possible to run it locally."

My boinc user experience with VB / without VB project is

- regular project app : an app version for one (or various) OS is developed by the project, running natively in the host OS (executed by boinc user)
- VB project app : a linux virtual machine is ran by boinc in the host OS (whatever OS it is) using VirtualBox. Inside that VM the boinc project app is running.

(it seems in recent times a few projects are also using docking containers to run the boinc app, being a lighter solution than VB VM, example Theory Native for LHC)

What you said doesn't match with these two options, could you explain better please ?
10) Message boards : News : New application, new possibilities, new problems ;) (Message 276)
Posted 9 Feb 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Being obliged to install VB to run a nci project is... counterproductive. Huge resource requirement for something supposed to be "light and painless".

I'm using it on a linux VM (not running on my machine, but a French provider), since you only have a linux application, so I won't be able to install VB anyway.

Bye bye ithena...
11) Message boards : Number crunching : No credit? (Message 263)
Posted 27 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Didn't you mention that you would implement a real credit system ?

For the moment there is ONE cruncher that has more than one credit :-D

(and he is forced to hide his crunch force, he has to align so many machines to get to that result !)
12) Message boards : Number crunching : No credit? (Message 257)
Posted 20 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
We are quite off-topic but yes, I have found Deepl to be better than google translate, in many occasions.

It's an AI using the data corpus of

The only thing is that it has much languages available compared to Google.

To come back in-topic, I hope you don't get "lost in translation" in the Go :)
13) Message boards : Number crunching : No credit? (Message 253)
Posted 19 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
En anglais c'est pas aussi joli ;)

And by the way, the deepl translation is much *better* than the google translation ;)
(as always)
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Points/Credit (Message 250)
Posted 18 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
And why don't you read the topic just next to this one ?
15) Message boards : Number crunching : No credit? (Message 249)
Posted 18 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" ;)
16) Message boards : News : Technical breaks in the operation of the BOINC server (Message 248)
Posted 18 Jan 2020 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
Thanks for all these updates. I noticed it was down again, but then it woke up again :)
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Badges suggestions (Message 210)
Posted 13 Dec 2019 by [AF>Le_Pommier] Jerome_C2005
I might be awarded a bronze beta badge. Haha.


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